Options tab

Compose the content of the table to display in the report.

Sort mailboxes by

Option Description
Name Select this radio button to sort mailbox names in alphabetical order (A to Z if Ascending, Z to A if Descending).
Attachments size sum Select this radio button to sort mailboxes by attachments total size (smallest to biggest if Ascending, biggest to smallest if Descending).
Number of attachments Select this radio button to sort mailboxes by number of attachments (smallest to biggest if Ascending, biggest to smallest if Descending).

Note: these options are inactive if the Mailbox check box is not selected in the Content tab.

Sort attachments by

Option Description
Attachment date Select this radio button to sort attachments by date (oldest to most recent if Ascending, most recent to oldest if Descending).
Attachment size Select this radio button to sort attachments by size (smallest to biggest if Ascending, biggest to smallest if Descending).
Attachment type Select this radio button to sort attachment types in alphabetical order (A to Z if Ascending, Z to A if Descending).