You are here: Application Interface > File menu > New Database

New Database

General tab

Exchange organization type

Select the type of the Exchange organization you wish to analyze.

Office 365

The messaging system is hosted by Microsoft. Microsoft Exchange Online is an email, calendar and contacts solution delivered as a Cloud service and it is part of the Office 365 suite.

Hybrid deployment

Hybrid deployment is a mixed environment: part of the messaging system is hosted in an Office 365 tenant, but the company has kept some Exchange servers on-premise.


Administrators run the messaging system on their own servers, in their own company.

Database type

Choose the database format you wish to use. For more information about available formats, see Selecting the right database format.

Creating an SQL Server Express LocalDB database

Specify a name for the new database (.mdf file) as well as a description (optional).

Creating an SQL Server database

Enter the name of the SQL server without \\ and specify the name of the new SQL database. You may also add a description (optional). You must provide a login name and a password to use SQL Server authentication.

Click the Advanced button to enter a specific file location for the database. Select the Enable MultiSubnetFailover check box if your SQL server supports this technology.

Advanced tab

Time Zone

Date and time are expressed in GMT (UTC) in Exchange message tracking files. Promodag Reports is able to recognize your time zone; so you can either generate reports using GMT, or local time. Time zones with daylight saving times can be handled as well. Local time is configured at the database level. The original date and time are still recorded in the database so it is always possible to modify the time zone.

Copy info from the current database

You may either start with a new empty database, or copy some information from the current one by selecting Copy info from the current database.

Click the OK to accept these settings.

The database has now been created and is ready to be populated.