See Data source: Mailbox and public folder content
These attributes are dynamically retrieved from Exchange through a dynamic EWS connection by all reports on mailbox/public folder content. They are not stored in the database. For more information, see How does it work? .
Attribute | Name in CSV export | Description | Property name |
Calendar items | |||
All day | DurationInMin | There is no specific attribute for meetings set to last the entire day. The value returned in the CSV export is 1440, i.e. 24 hours. | AppointmentDuration (named property) |
Start date | DateStart | Meeting start date and time. | PR_START_DATE |
End date | DateEnd | Meeting date and time. | PR_END_DATE |
Duration | DurationInMin | Duration of the meeting in minutes. | AppointmentDuration (named property) |
Location | Location | Location set in the meeting request, eg. "Meeting Room X" or "Microsoft Teams Meeting". | Location (named property) |
Optional attendees | Optional | Lists the attendees set in the 'Cc' field. | CcAttendeesString (named property) |
Recurring | Recurring | The corresponding property is set to TRUE if the meeting is recurring. | IsRecurring (named property) |
Required attendees | Required | Lists the attendees set in the 'To' field. | ToAttendeesString (named property) |
Resource | Resource | Resource set in the meeting request, eg. "Meeting Room X" or "Equipment Y". | Resource (named property) |
Message items | |||
Attachment count | AttachmentCount, AttCount | Number of attachments in the item. | Not applicable (calculated by Promodag Reports) |
Attachment name | AttSelect | Attachment file name. | PR_ATTACH_FILENAME |
Attachment size (bytes) | AttSize | Size of attachment in Bytes. | PR_ATTACH_SIZE |
Attachment type | AttachmentExtension, AttType | Attachment type, e.g. pdf or csv. | PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION |
Blind carbon copy (Bcc) | DisplayBCC | Recipient address(es) in the Bcc field. | PR_DISPLAY_BCC |
Body | Not applicable | Message body contains... | Not applicable (search performed by Promodag Reports) |
Carbon copy (Cc) | DisplayCC | Recipient address(es) in the Cc field. | PR_DISPLAY_CC |
Category | Category | Item category. | Keywords (named property) |
Conversation | ConversationTopic | Topic of the first message in a conversation thread. | PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC |
Created on | DateCreated | Date and time when the item was created in a store (mailbox, public folder). Note: This date can change if item is moved to another store (from a mailbox to another mailbox, or from a public folder to a mailbox). |
Delivered on | MessageDeliveryTime, TimeDelivered | Date and time when the item was delivered. | PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME |
Has attachment | HasAttach | The corresponding property is set to TRUE if the item contains at least one attachment. | PR_HASATTACH |
Follow-up flag | FollowUpFlag | Follow-up flag applied to the item. | PR_TODO_ITEM_FLAGS |
Importance level | Importance | Value that indicates the message sender's opinion of the importance of a message. | PR_IMPORTANCE |
Signed | IsSigned | Item is marked as signed/not signed. | IsSigned (named property) |
Item class | MessageClass | Specifies the type of the item, e.g. IPM.Note or IPM.Appointment. | PR_MESSAGE_CLASS |
Last action | LastVerbExecuted | Last action performed on the item: Forward, Reply to sender, Reply to all. | PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED |
Last action date | LastVerbExecutionTime | Date and time when the last action was performed on the item. | PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME |
Message ID | MessageID | Message ID field as specified in RFC2822. | PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID |
Modified on | LastModificationTime |
Date and time when the item was last modified. Note: This date can change if item is moved to another store (from a mailbox to another mailbox, or from a public folder to a mailbox). |
Read | Read | Item is flagged as read/unread. | PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS |
Recipient address | ReceivedByEmailAddress | Recipient e-mail address. | PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS |
Recipient count | RecipientCount | Number of recipients set in the Outlook item. | Not applicable (calculated by Promodag Reports) |
Recipient name | ReceivedByName | Recipient name. | PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME |
Recipient (To) | DisplayTo | Primary recipient display name. | PR_DISPLAY_TO |
SCL Filter | ContentFilterSCL | The Content Filter agent, if activated, assigns a spam confidence level (SCL) rating from 0 to 9 to each message. | PR_SCL |
Security | Security | Security status of the message. | PR_SECURITY |
Sender address | SenderEmailAddress | E-mail address associated with the sender as shown in the From field of a message. | PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS |
Sender name | SenderName | Display name of the sender as shown in the From field in a message. | PR_SENDER_NAME |
Sensitivity | Sensitivity | Indicates the message sender's opinion of the sensitivity of a message (None, Personal, Private, Company Confidential). | PR_SENSITIVITY |
Sent on | ClientSubmitTime | Date and time when the item was sent. | PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME |
Size (bytes) | ItemSize | Size of the message: body, subject, sender, and attachments. | PR_MESSAGE_SIZE |
Subject | MessSubject | Full subject of the message (concatenation of the prefix and the normalized subject, e.g. 'Re: Your message', Re: being the prefix and Your message the normalized subject). | PR_SUBJECT |