You are here: Troubleshooting Promodag Reports > Reporting > No data was found for the selected period > Importing missing event types, or entirely re-importing IIS log files

Importing missing event types, or entirely re-importing IIS log files

You may want to import specific IIS-related events that you did not think of when installing the product, or to remove some, or to entirely re-import IIS log files. In any case, you will need to entirely purge the existing records for that period first.

Purging existing IIS log files

Use the Tools > Purge IIS Data option to clear IIS files containing unwanted events. Make sure that you select a correct date range before proceeding.

Re-importing missing IIS log files/missing events

  1. In the Import IIS Data option, click Set Import Options to open the Internet Information Services tab of the Server Properties dialog box.
  2. Select additional event types if applicable. For example, you may want to import ActiveSync events, or to remove Mailbox Access events. For more information, see Type of events imported from IIS log files.
  3. Use the File > Import IIS Data option to re-import missing files. Make sure that you select a correct date range before proceeding.