See Data sources: Mailbox and public folder size
These attributes are dynamically retrieved from Exchange through a dynamic EWS connection or PowerShell by moststorage size reports. They are not stored in the database. For more information, see How does it work? .
Attribute | Name in CSV export | Mailbox | Public folder | Description |
Associated user account | RecipientName | x | User account associated with the Exchange mailbox. | |
Created on | FolderCreationTime | x | Date and time of creation of the public folder. | |
Issue warning (KB) | IssueWarningSize | x | Mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user. This value can set by the Exchange administrator. | |
Item count | ContentCount, FolderItemsCount | x | x | Total number of items in the mailbox or the public folder. |
Last logon time | LastLogonTime | x | Date and time when the user last logged on to the database. | |
Last logoff time | LastLogoffTime | x | Date and time when the user last logged out of the database. | |
Last modification | FolderLastModificationTime | x | Date and time when the security descriptors of a public folder were modified for the last time (for example by granting access to that public folder). | |
Max send size (KB) | MaxSendSize | x | Maximum size for messages sent. This value can set by the Exchange administrator. | |
Max receive size (KB) | MaxReceiveSize | x | Maximum size for messages received. This value can set by the Exchange administrator. | |
Prohibit send (KB) | ProhibitSendSize | x | Mailbox size at which users associated with mailboxes in this mailbox database can no longer send messages. This value can set by the Exchange administrator. | |
Prohibit send and receive (KB) | ProhibitSendReceiveSize | x | Mailbox size at which the user associated with this mailbox can no longer send or receive messages. This value can set by the Exchange administrator. | |
Storage limit attributes | StorageLimitWarning, StorageLimitSend, StorageLimitReceived | x | The values of the following storage limit attributes can set by the Exchange administrator: Storage warning, Prohibit send, Prohibit send and receive. | |
Storage limit status | StorageLimitLabel | x | Information about whether a mailbox is currently within the storage limits set by the Exchange administrator. Possible values are: no check, below limit, issue warning, prohibit send, mailbox disabled. |
Total item size (MB) | MailboxSize, FolderSize | x | x | Total size of items in the mailbox or the public folder. |