You are here: Troubleshooting Promodag Reports > Trace files

Trace files


Promodag Reports records various information in trace files depending on the type of operation performed, and on the logging detail level set in the Email and Notifications tab of Tools > Options. They can be used to troubleshoot errors and help resolve most configuration issues.

For more information about troubleshooting material, see Error reports.

Trace file content

The application creates a new trace file at the beginning of each new session, that is each time the application is started. Promodag Reports logs the following activity:

Trace files also contain error messages, that can either be generated by Promodag Reportsitself or retrieved from the environment (SQL Server, EWS, PowerShell, .NET Framework).

For a detailed information about most error messages, see Troubleshooting Promodag Reports.

Trace files are generated in .xml and .log format. A basic text editor is sufficient to open and view the *.log version.

Automatically e-mail trace files

Enter an e-mail address in the Email and Notifications tab of Tools > Options to automatically generate an e-mail containing the latest *.log file.

Consult previous trace files

Trace files can be viewed by using the Consult Trace Files option.

The default location of trace files (.xml and .log) depends on your operating system, see: Default paths for installation and settings.