You are here: Application Interface > Main window > Toolbar


The Toolbar contains shortcuts to the most frequently used options in Promodag Reports.

Icon Option Description
View > Report Explorer Display or hide the Report Explorer.
View > Organization tree Display or hide the Organization tree.
Show recipient properties. Display the properties of a recipient selected in the Organization tree.
File > Add/Remove a 'marked as deleted' flag Add or remove a 'marked as deleted' flag to a recipient selected in the Organization tree.
File > Import Directory Data Collect data from Active Directory in order to rebuild the structure of the Exchange organization in the database (Administrative Groups, servers, storage groups, databases, recipients and their attributes ).
File > Import Message Tracking Data Collect events from Exchange message tracking files. This information will be used in all reports on e-mail traffic.
File > Import IIS Data Collect events from IIS log files. This information will be used in all reports on OWA and ActiveSync activity.
File > Import Storage Size Data Collect storage size data. This information will be used in reports on storage.
Tools > Task Automation Edit or modify batch files and schedule batch jobs in order to automate imports and report generation.
Help > Help Open the embedded help file.